
Selling Your Old Internet Projects

If you have ever made a website, the chances are that you have old projects and sites sitting around. It happens. Over time you may have started and stopped numerous times, leaving some sites behind. Having an inactive websites or online business does not mean that it isn't profitable. It just means that you directed your skills and daily attention to more pressing issues and projects. In fact, your old project might become someone else's livelihood. They say one man's garbage can be another man's treasure. That cliché is also true with domains and old URL's.

How to sell your website? There is a large industry of reselling online businesses, websites, and domains. One of the most popular ways is to list your site on an auction site. These listing services are very efficient and have a large following of buyers.

There is a huge demand for websites; listen to the commenters and bidders. You list your domain and supply an outline of information about it. There are sites that allow you to set a reserve price that must be met before an auction sale is final. Setting a buy it now price is also common.

Did you do any SEO? If you applied any SEO, your website could be worth some serious cash. Don't forget that Google trusts old domains, so they age similarly to wine. It is best case scenario if your site has been receiving consistent traffic with SEO modifications. This being said, it might not be too late for that. You can do it yourself or find an SEO firm, but there is a lot to be said about a quick on page optimization job. I recommend using search engine results to find SEO experts; it just makes sense. For example, do a search engine search for "seo development" to find an seo development expert. Since SEO isn't done on most websites, it really adds value to your auction. Who knows, maybe your bidding war will begin with discussion on your SEO. Many of the listing services to sell websites have public comments on each site's auction page. This means that potential buyers can ask you questions. This gives a personal element and allows you to go into more detail about your site. Don't worry, these bidders realize that many websites fall to the wayside. They are interested in receiving objective information about whether they should buy your site.

Is it worth anything? There isn't a fool proof way to tell exactly what you should list your site for. However, taking the time to research current and past auctions will help you get an idea of the value. Remember, Google trusts old domains with higher rankings. This means that a new blogger's site might only be worth $500, while a basic (and old) golf course website might be worth $10,000. These prices really depend on consistent traffic and backlinks. Make sure you list all of the great things about your website. Avoid being apologetic about past traffic (as it will be visible.) Give an objective perspective and bidders will really trust you. If you catch enough interest, you'll receive comments. As long as your conversation with bidders stays beneficial, you will probably get bids!

Was it a business? Turn-key operations are a big ticket item on these websites. There seems to be no shortage of people willing to pay huge amounts of good will, the amount over its appraisal value, for established businesses that are likely to make the money. If you can offer a seamless transition from your ownership to theirs, you have the sale. Even if your business only profited $100, it gives bidders the confidence of "doing it better." They want your old business to make their changes and reap the benefits. Let's face it, those are the perspectives of the bidders.

Setting a price. Do a search engine search for "URL appraisal" to get your ballpark valuation. It really pays, however, to do research on your chosen listing service's current and past auctions. A quick search for "sell website" will direct you to several popular auction sites. Comparing your site's stats (given by using a number of those URL appraisals and "Google Webmaster tools") with the stats of auctioned sites will help you get a realistic idea of what you will get for your domain and/or business.

Article Source: Jacob A Hines

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